Thursday, January 31, 2008

Game World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

I hope that the following article will help you to better understand this topic.

If you’re into playing video games and the like then one such game you should look into is the game World of Warcraft. This Massively Multiplayer Online Function Playing Game, or MMORPG for short, has to put it rather only taken the world of gaming by storm.

To date the game World of Warcraft boasts over a whopping Eight million people playing it, with a staggering number of people playing it at any given time. It’s a large number whichever way that you look at it, and consuming to realize how many people are populating the world of Azeroth where the game of Warcraft takes place.

The argue for this is that the game World of Warcraft is rather simply one of the best MMORPG games around. Added to this fact are the enticements which come along with it such as the ability to create a maximum of Fifty characters per account, with Ten characters permitted on a server.

Not only that, a player also has the chance of creatinga character which suits their tastes, with a better than ordinary number of character options open and available for players to choose from.At the very theme of the game World of Warcraft, players have the option of choosing a character founded on one of the two major factions which people in Warcraft.

This way that a actor can take from either the Alliance side, or the Horde side.Once they decide upon this, a participant then has the power to choose from a total of Four unlike races which are available each to a faction. This number goes up to Five races per faction if you have the new Burning Crusade expansion pack....please continue on a site that is all about this topic and more..Thank you for taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge please continue to search this site.

Michael Malega presents several game world of warcraft articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site here [ title=Game World of Warcraft]Game World of Warcraft

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World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How To Earn 150 Gold Per Hour In World Of Warcraft - Gold Guide

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Gold is your biggest friend and enemy in world of warcraft at the same time. Imagine what you would do if you had tons of money in this game? You would be one of the best players at any server. Would you like to know how to make 100+ gold per hour? If so, you are in the right place. This article will tell you about gold making basics in wow.

Questing. Quests will provide you with everything you need at the beginning: gold, weapons, armor and other items. I recommend you to combine questing and grinding, this will help you to make more gold and gain additional XP, so you can level up faster. Always start with green quests - they are easier than red quests, which are more complicated and time consuming. Two green quests are better than one red.

Bags will help you to carry more items. It is very important if you prefer grinding. More items you can carry more money you can get for them.

If you prefer grinding, concentrate on killing humanoids. They drop weapons and other items, which you can sell and get good money.

This is just basic tips, which will help you to make more money in world of warcraft. Follow this tips, and you will be well on your way to riches.

If you would like to learn more tips and secrets, I recommend you to read gold making guides, that I use to make 150+ gold per hour. Visit my website below to learn more. [ ]Top Gold Making Guides Review

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World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

5 Tips For Fast Leveling a Horde Character in World of Warcraft

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

World of Warcraft has become one of the hottest selling Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) of all time. Players are rushing to see who can be the first person to make it to the top of the ranks in the least amount of time. I am going to give you 5 tips for fast leveling a horde character in World of Warcraft. These tips will make your journey to the top of the ranks of World of Warcraft in the least amount of time as painless as possible. There are 2 factions within the game of World of Warcraft. The Horde and the Alliance. On the Alliance side you have Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, and Night Elves. On the Horde side you have Blood Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, and the Undead. These tips can be used for adapted for both sides but are geared more toward the Horde faction.

• To get to level 10 at Lightning Speed work your way to the undead city of Brill. All of the Quests that the undead give out in this area are easier than most quests at this level and they can usually be solved without having to travel very far. This will shorten the journey to level 10.

• Don't waste your time grinding by killing monsters, the quests will always give you the most experience for the time you spend.

• When traveling from quest to quest kill the monsters that are yellow to you, greens are ok also just make sure that they are no more than 3-4 levels below you.

• Don't waste time by trying to find groups to quest with, solo that way you will not have to depend on others needs and schedules.

• Try to always log out at a Inn or one of the major cities when you decide to take a break.

So follow those 5 tips for fast leveling a horde character in World of Warcraft and you will be one step ahead of your in game friends.

Here is a list of add on items to World of Warcraft that will help you in your leveling also:

• Titan panel - Titan panel will show you your X,Y coordinates in game, which makes it easier finding locations of quest items and places that you need to go. It also shows you your average XP per hour rate among other stats.

• Quickloot - Helps in targeting and collecting your loot from slain monsters.

• MozzFull World Map - An addon that completes all of your missing parts of your in game maps, which you haven't explored yet.

Charles Hamel is a Networking Technician and a MMORPG enthusiast, he lives near Houston, TX with his wife and 2 children. For more information on World of Warcraft, go to []World of Warcraft Tips.

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

World of Warcraft Quest Guide

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Are you looking for a World of Warcraft strategy guide or quest guide? Many World of Warcraft gamers will have at one point in their MMPORPG career browsed or searched for a guide to help them level or find more gold.

For most World of Warcraft gamers, the fun really begins after your character pasts level 30. There are 2 common ways to level your character, which are to either get a band of adventurers together and go questing, or grind your little heart out. Most people do the two, which is to complete a quest by killing a number of creatures and to pick up items from their bodies.

Those that level up quicker, aka power leveling keep the good locations in their guild. This is where the World of Warcraft quest guides come in useful. WoW quest guides give you an advantage in questing by giving you the exact coordinates that is needed to complete each quest. They also provide a success sequence in which to accept and finish the quests. Following a power questing sequences allows you to level your character faster then players who quest haphazardly.

Most gamers will experience this sooner or later. When first starting out in the game, leveling up is easy. As your character gains levels, the experience points required to gain level increases exponential. The quests that you need to finish also become increasingly complicated and time consuming. It is at this point when most people start looking for a []World of Warcraft quest guide or strategy guide. []World of Warcraft quest guides are used by gamers who are just getting their feet wet, who are building a character in a different race or want to try power leveling and go from level 1 to level 70 in 7 days.

When you try a new race, you will encounter quests that you may not be familiar with. Having a World of Warcraft quest guide will assist you by walking you through these unfamiliar territories and giving you a specific steps to follow to reach levels 10-12. If you plan to get one, because of the ever changing world of warcraft, be sure to get a professional written guide that's authored, updated and supported by professional Level 70 World of Warcraft gamers.

A []World of Warcraft Quest Guide Listing, authored by Level 70 professional gamers.

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World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Warcraft, Meet New People, Make Friends - And Kill Them

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

There is an important thing to note regarding world of warcraft and that is that there are two sides. As well as competing against yourself, or the game, to gain a powerful and respected character, you are also part of a team, that is - the Horde or the Alliance. Blizzard regulates the PvP environment well, having servers specifically for it, and servers for a 'tamer' approach to the game.

On a normal server you are safe from being attacked by other players unless you...ask for it. This involves flagging yourself as a PvP character - attacking someone else who is a PvP character, entering an enemy town or designated battlefield area or 'assisting' a flagged character.

Blizzard has, through several different methods, ensured that you build a stronger affinity with players in your faction, than with players from the enemy faction. One of these methods is language. While it is possible to learn the language of other races, it is niether easy nor automatic. Thus you can easily converse with your allies, but have less joy when trying to talk to your enemies.

This leads to one thing...players in the other faction being more fun to kill. You've got to go through a huge rigmarole to get an ally to fight you, while all you have to do to an enemy is slip a knife in his back while he's looking the other way. The rewards are great - with the accumulated points being 'currency' for buying PvP equipment.

The tactics for pkilling in Warcraft are much the same as in other games. The best method is to catch the opponent by surprise and hit them hard and fast, at the same time having backup and/or an open line of retreat. Don't assume anyone is an easy kill, because quite a few very good players will develop a bait strategy - getting you chasing a weaker character to finish off a kill and running straight into an ambush from a group of stronger characters.

Finally, remember that when you are fighting PvP you are fighting a for who is more tricky, emotional, adaptive and dangerous than most every standard mob in the game. They will adapt their strategy to what you do, they will fight with every weapon they can muster, they will run if it makes sense to do so, and should you kill them they may well spend a week carefully plotting your payback.

And that's what makes it so fun.

Todd O'Donnell admits to playing far too many games. After initial focus on power levelling he has spent much time developing guides and hints for World of Warcraft Players which can be found at his Warcraft for the People website

Article Source:'Donnell,-Meet-New-People,-Make-Friends---And-Kill-Them&id=462314

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Guide To Gold Farming In World Of Warcraft - Steep Learning Curve

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Are you looking for World of Warcraft Gold? Considered buying it? Don't! If you are going to spend money for gold you should be doing one thing and that is to try and find the best gold guide there is. This will take you from the buying position to the selling position. I'm not saying that you should be selling gold but if you apply the strategies from the best gold guides you will have plenty of gold, more than you could use.

There are several reasons not to buy gold. First off, it feels better to earn your gold rather than trading in real money to get it. Secondly, you risk getting banned by Blizzard and thirdly, in many cases, these so called gold sellers rip you off. I know a guy that lost more than $400 after trying to buy gold from a shady gold selling site.

Being wealthy in World of warcraft really makes the game so much funnier to play, you could get that flying epic mount, upgrade your armor and much more. It doesn't make sense that you should have to worry about how much gold you have when a few simple strategies will put you in a much better position. You should be wealthy enough that it is nothing to go out and purchase new epic gear. Just imagine having the best gear and people commenting it and looking at you jealously.

If you are a wealthy player than others will look up to you and be more than happy to join your brand new guild. If you then teach some of the characters joining your guild how to make gold they will tell their friends to join and so on.

If you pick a guide to gold farming that is up to date and well rated you'll learn to conquer the auction house and you'll make gold, loads of gold. Have you ever wondered why a certain item costs the price it does? Well, the best guides will give the complete knowledge how to rule the auction house, controlling certain markets and much more.

If you want to learn the best spots for gold farming, how to buy cheap from vendors and relist it for profit in the auction house a great gold guide is what you need.

I have tried several of the guides for gold farming in World of Warcraft and listed pro's and con's about every guide and also I have a few freebie tips. []Welcome to my realm!

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Farming Gold In Wow - 3 Spots That Work

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

In this article I'm going to explain how farming gold in wow can get you the items you need. If you looking to get better armor, weapons, or even an epic mount, your going to need a good chunk of gold to make that happen. Farming is a great technique that you can utilize which has shown many gamers huge sums of gold. Listed below are a few spots I've seen success farming with...

Effective Places To Farm

1. Stranglethorn Vale - The monsters that you want to focus on killing is Ironjaw Basiliks. These guys drop a good amount of gray vendor trash items that you can sell in the auction house. Another plus is that if your a skinner, you can skin their thick and heavy leather for a good amount of gold. You can find Ironjaw Basiliks in the Crystalvein Mine which is at (44,45).

2. Un'Goro Crater - If your a skinner this a place you should definitely try farming because there are a lot of mobs that are skinnable. For example, the leather off of Devilsaurs can be skinned and sold for up to 50 gold pieces per stack. The only downside is they are kinda difficult to kill since they are 52-55 elites. Devilsaurs are all over the 6 different paths in this area and they also respawn rather quickly which means you can go around and constantly kill.

3. Winterspring - Frostmaul Gians are what you want to focus on farming in Winterspring. They are pretty tough to kill because they are 59-60 elites so make sure you are prepared before you start farming. The great thing with these giants is they have a 2% drop rate for a recipe for Greater Frost Protection Potion. This potion is worth your time because they can be sold for up to 50 pieces of gold.

Important Things to Note:

These spots can show you a lot of success but there is one drawback. Farming these spots successfully requires a big chunk of your time. Generally farming tends to be very time consuming. I know friends that have spent endless hours farming just to see a few pieces of gold. Its kinda funny because they spend a lot more time farming for items than playing the parts of the game they actually enjoy. I invested in a gold making guide because they show techniques chinese farmers use. Chinese farmers are paid to farm so they know the most efficient ways to make gold. These guides show you how to make big sums of gold without investing the insane amount of time you normally would.

Do you want to make a lot of gold but are not willing to throw away countless hours for doing so? There is a smarter way. []Click here to read one more important gold making strategy and to also read our unbiased reviews of the top gold making guides.

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

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Earning Gold in World of Warcraft - 3 Sneaky Ways

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

In the World of Warcraft there are several, actually tons, of great techniques of gold making. Three of the sneakiest ones that I found in the recent times are here.

Angerclaw Maulers

There are several groupings of the Angerclaw Maulers situated in the middle of Felwood. These mobs are well known for their fast response; normally when you have killed the last character in any given part then these mobs respond immediately.

It has limited downtime, which means maximum gold achieved. Often these mobs are ignorant as a huge amount of green items are not dropped by them. However, they do drop huge amounts of bones, jaws, claws or other stackable retailer waste that can be put up for sale against gold of a decent amount.

For the Auction House items they are skinnable also and about 40-50 gold in an hour are returned by these mobs.

Crusader Enchant Formula

The Crusader Enchant happens to be the most readily sought out formula and also a sneaky way to earn quick gold in the World of Warcraft. For the player the only way to get these enchants is by taking them away from Scarlet Spellbinders in the game. Hardly ever these monsters will drop the formulas situated near the Heartglen at the tower down the path. But that formula is sold for 300 gold.

Thus, if you need 3 hours to have one then the time you are spending is worth it. These mobs are decent ones for starting, although it takes 3 hours to get the enchants; but you can take several vendor waste items, blue and green, by which you may gather even more amount of gold. Average time to get the enchants varies; there are some people who have pulled them in in four hours and some in just one hour.

Although the dropping rate is set in a very low way but you can make huge gold here within a little time if you are very lucky.

The Demonslaying Enchant Formula

In the furthest Southwestern corner are the Lichlings and the Highborne Apparitions situated in Azshara. Along with many green as well as blue items you’ll find you can kill the mobs very easily if you have a low hit point count. You can drop mageweave as well. Thus they are the perfect targets for framing.

However, the Demonslaying Enchant Formula they drop is one of the best things. Here you may make 50 gold in an hour if the other players are not too heavily farming in that area.

For more gold making tips we highly recommend that you pick up a highly rated gold earning guide – just make sure that every tip is legal and cannot get you banned.

Lloyd Burns has been playing World of Warcraft for over 2 years now and is the master at this game.

He's also reviewed all the best World of Warcraft Guides, for his best recommendations, including the best gold guide, visit:

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World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Making Gold in World of Warcraft as a New Player

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

With millions of users enjoying the vast and wide open spaces of World of Warcraft every day, it’s no surprise that so many seek a quick and easy way to make extra gold. There are hundreds of World of Warcraft gold guides and collections of tips for making quick and easy gold, however not every tip works as well as the next. If you’re looking for quick and easy gold in World of Warcraft, you need to be willing to make the extra effort to find it. You won’t be able to fully enjoy all of the facets of the game without it. No matter what your level, gold is essential.

Most of the best World of Warcraft gold tips involve higher level characters. Unfortunately, the road to reaching higher levels is hard because of the necessity for better equipment and items – which, of course, cost more gold. There are some things you can start doing right away though, making gold as you grind through levels early on.

These early methods include simply gathering trade items at an early phase. Throughout the world you’ll find trade items for mining, skinning, and herbalism littered throughout the landscape. While you’re grinding, raising your level, look for those easy to carry items and stock up on them. The easiest and earliest way to make gold in World of Warcraft is to simply stock up on these items and sell them later on.

Of course, crafting is another popular method for doing the same thing, but those that go the route of crafting know that they must first have a large sum of gold to invest before they can make any more. You must be able to pay for upgrades in your levels and crafting materials before you reach journeyman and master and begin crafting high value items.

For those that haven’t played too much yet, you do not know the joys of grinding. Grinding is essentially killing creatures to gain levels. It is a necessary part of the game and with absolutely no risk involved, you will be able to slowly gather gold from low level creatures over time. It’s boring, it’s time consuming, and it’s not very constructive, but it’s effective, and anyone can do it, regardless of their level.

There are dozens more ways to make large sums of gold, but once you reach a certain level, you’ll be forced to rely on methods that require you to invest sums of gold to make other sums of gold. The Auction House, which can be utilized by lower level players (though in smaller sums) is ideal for anyone looking build up some gold. It’s similar to playing the stock market in that you buy things when they are cheap and sell them when they are not. Occasionally you’ll find items underpriced by dozens of gold pieces which you can turn around and resell for great profit. The only problem here though is that occasionally an item will continue to decrease in value and you’ve just lost a bit of gold instead of gaining it.

No matter what your method, new players can find ways to make gold and buy the items they need to reach those elusive higher levels. A good gold guide will help you out as well, making the prolonged stages of grinding, gathering, and reselling much more effective.

Peng Joon is a veteran online gamer and has authored many World of Warcraft guides. Learn more about
making gold in World of Warcraft, strategy and tips

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

World of Warcraft Leveling Guide - A Definitive Source

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Trust me, once you get a good Wow horde leveling guide, it won't be long before you are picking World of Warcraft back up, putting the disk in your drive and investing a lot of time into this awesome game. Is it the complete horde-leveling guide that everyone says it is? While I am still a little anxious about announcing that I am using it, I feel the value it adds makes it the best WoW Horde Leveling Guide available.

Brian is already hard at work on the Alliance World of Warcraft leveling guide for Burning Crusades. This is the famous Horde Leveling Guide. You will also want to look for a Wow Horde leveling guide that gives you additional updates for the burning crusade as the expansion pack of World of Warcraft is to be released soon.

Brian's WoW Leveling Guide is the definitive source on how to get an Alliance character from Level 1 to Level 60 in the least time possible - he's run tests getting a Night Elf from level 1 to level 60 in 5 and a half days of online play. As any good WOW Leveling Guide will tell you, you should concentrate on quests and not grinding. Needless to say, I have been very impressed with Joana's Horde Leveling Guide.

After checking out his horde-leveling guide, I know why. There is my mini World of Warcraft Alliance Leveling Guide. Brian Kopps Guide is the well-known Alliance Leveling Guide. That is why I am a little embarrassed to say that I picked up Joana's Horde Leveling Guide. For more info on WOW Leveling Guide And To Find Out How You Can Go From Levels 0 To 70 In 5 Days. This WoW Horde leveling guide shows you exactly where to go and what to do.

What's great is that all the updates are free when you buy this WoW power-leveling guide. I have both Horde and Alliance characters, so a leveling guide for both was a must, and a guide for World of Warcraft gold making, leveling, and general tips was also a plus.

Guy Katir

Are you tired of inching your way to level ups? These sites will guide you to the right path to easy level ups!

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

World Of Warcraft Gold Acquisition Tips

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

In This Game Gold Is An Asset

Gold is the virtual currency used in the World Of Warcraft. You can farm, make or buy it. This article explores the ways you can go about acquiring it in the game itself.

What It's Used For

Gold in World of Warcraft is truly an asset. You can use it to purchase items from other players or merchants. Items such as weapons can be yours for a number of gold pieces. Prices start at one gold coin. Obtaining the right amount of gold to buy good weapons can be the difference between success and defeat in the World Of Warcraft. To receive training and acquire new skills also requires gold.

It's a lot easier to purchase gold on World Of Warcraft than to farm for it. MMOG sites have a full inventory and also sell other useful items to enhance your character.

Fish For Gold

Fishing is also a skillset that enables you to acquire gold easily. It is classed as a secondary skillset so it has to be learned on top of your main two professions. It is possible to make thirty gold an hour via this method. The types of fish in high demand are the oily blackmouth, firefin and the deviate fish.

Enchant An Item

You can make gold in World of Warcraft by enchanting an item.

Use The Auction House System

Items from battles and quests that you go on can be used to make gold using what is known as the auction house system. On some levels you can purchase items on the cheap which other players may find very useful. These players in the game will be willing to pay a handsome price. Pay attention in particular to items that increase a players power or leveling. You can make a profit in the game from items that you sell.

Richard Davies at World Of Warcraft Information. A resource solely dedicated to all you need about Warcraft. For more information on Warcraft gold and game playing strategies visit => []World Of Warcraft Information

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

How to Make Money in World of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Once you have purchased World of Warcraft and begun playing you should probably learn how to make money in World of Warcraft. The importance of learning how to make money in World of Warcraft is large because it is your only way to improve; you need your money or gold to get better throughout the game. Here are a few ways for you to consider learning how to make money in World of Warcraft.

Decide your profession early to take advantage of all the time you have spent or will spend on World of Warcraft. Those looking how to make money in World of Warcraft understand that you can make more money or gold by perfecting your profession, but it won’t be easy!

You may be incredibly bored with fishing during the game but it is one way how to make money in World of Warcraft. If you catch the rare fish that are in high demand then you will be making money in World of Warcraft in no time.

Perfecting the auction house will allow you to have the chance to trade with others or bid on their products to expand your wealth. This is one way how to make money in World of Warcraft that will withstand the test of time and keep you from spending all your time hoping to make a few bucks.

Some people looking for how to make money in World of Warcraft without angering the powers that be and enjoying the game should invest in a good guide to help them through the process. While it won’t be the answer to all of your problems, this guide could give you a few more ideas on how to make money in World of Warcraft that you never considered. You never know, it could be the smartest thing you ever do!

Did you know that World of Warcraft now has a subscriber base of over 8.5 million? Are you one of the best? If you want to learn more about []World of Warcraft visit my []Squidoo page or read more on my []website.

Article Source:

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

World of Warcraft - Grinding For Gold

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

So you want to know about World of Worcraft Grinding for Gold? Well, Grinding for gold is by far the most basic and most widespread form of gold farming. Due to the fact that this is the most basic form of gold farming it gains a lot of attention from all kind of players. Even though it gets plenty of attention most of the players that do it never end up grinding out the quantity of gold they ought to do. Now with the Burning Crusade it is quite simple and easy to farm up to 250g per hour. The mobs around drop a lot more coins and the also the items that they drop can and will vendor for a better price.

As well as this you will be getting blues, greens and also epics that you will be able to sell for an even bigger price then you could previously. You will be able to sell your items for a greater amount of gold due to the fact that the average drop rate of coins is a lot greater than before. This is because of the fact that there are a lot more players out there with a lot more money to spend.

Possessing the knowledge of the right places to farm and knowing HOW to farm are key resources when playing World of Warcraft efficiently. Plenty of players will make a few little mistakes when it comes to farming that will put them a long long way behind the rest of the competition and that is something you don't want.

Having a lot of downtime is not only one of the most common mistakes but can also be one of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are grinding for gold. Downtime is the time you spend when you're grinding NOT taking out and killing mobs. Downtime includes time spent getting to the next mob, so find the closest mob and do them over first, stopping to have a drink or something to eat, not chain-casting your next spell which means casting a spell as soon as it becomes accessible and also chatting to your friends, all of these things will lower the amount of gold per hour you can get. By far the most common of the mentioned downtime is the stopping to have something to eat or drink. Each class has a more favorable "Grinding spec" and if you are going to plan to farm for any amount of time, it's going to be worth the money to re-spec.

Each time you stop and take a sit down to eat or to drink, you have to be aware that in doing so you will knock about 15 to 30 seconds off of your killing time. Say you can go and kill 5 or 6 mobs at a time without having to take a downtime to eat or drink. Think about it for a minute, every time you go and kill 100 mobs you are going to be spending around 10 minutes just sitting there. Do that over any duration and it's going to add up to a very large amount of time, something else to think on is that most classes will not even make it 5 mobs with some of the specs.

An example for you, my Mage was on Fire Spec for some time before I thought about the fact that I was only getting about 3 to 4 kills before I had to take a drink, now this was not good enough and something had to be done. All I did was switch to frost, a premiere grinding spec and this got me up to 8 kills before I had to sit down. This was an excellent rate due to the fact that I cut my downtime to nearly 2/3rd of the rate it was at before re-spec.

So when you go out grinding for gold, remember that you downtime is going to be a major hurdle to the gold you collect. It is possible and simply to double your gold rate just by correcting your choice spec for YOUR character. So armed with these simple tips get Grinding for Gold NOW and increase your Gold.

For more infomation and World of Warcraft Grinding for Gold Tips visit my blog at:

World Of Warcraft tips and reviews

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft WoW Valkors Gold Making Guide #1 Selling Gold Making Guide.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How To Farm Gold In WOW

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Most people are asking how to farm gold in WoW. This should help you out. I will include a list on of some of the ways of farming for Warcraft gold. It is EASY! In the south, middle edge of The Badlands zone, nestled in the small valley, you can farm normal rock elements. These people seem to drop a lot of grey loot which vendors for 50 silver to 1.5 WoW gold, and they drop it at every kill. What they also drop is Elemental Earth which sells at the auction house for 1-3 WoW gold a piece. The average drop is 1 out of 17. Another way of how to farm gold in WoW, is to farm elemental slaves on the west side of Alterac mountains, for the chance to get elemental earths (1 out 15 kills). This goes for about 1-3 WoW gold a piece on AH.

You can also use elemental exiles on the southwest area of Arathi Highlands for elemental earths, which is also the same 1-3 WoW gold per earth on AH. How to farm gold in WoW is to farm in Arathi Highlands for 30 npcs of 2-6 silver each on 3-5 minute spawn timers. Times are not often camped. You could easily generate 1-5 WoW gold – even more if you are an AOE class. You can also farm in Arathi Highlands, as the alliance only, for 30-40 npcs of 2-6 silver each on 3-5 minute spawn timers. These timers are also not often camped. You could easily generate 1-5 WoW gold an hour. How to farm gold WoW? You can enter the secret scarlet monastery graveyard, in tristfall glades northwest corner of the map. This will get you a good 2 silver to 6 silver kill. Nevertheless, an AOE class can easily farm and reset the instance for outstanding 30-60 WoW gold in an hour.

Another way of how to farm gold in WoW, is to farm Warpwoods and Deadwoods for about 2-10 silver, rare herb drops. These sell around 1-5 WoW gold each. Living Essence sells for 1-1.5 WoW gold each at the Auction House. On the north side of Felwood zone near the alliance flight parth person, Warpwoods are located. The Deadwoods can be located just southwest of where the Warpwoods are. An easy 40-80 WoW gold an hour depending on AH prices. If you know how to farm gold in WoW and if you have faster dps class, then you can easily double your WoW gold per hour. Twilight hammer elites in Searing Gorge, is another way to farm. These elites are located west of the alliance/horde flight points. This is an easy 3-5 mageweave cloth per drop, and somewhere around 2silver to16silver per kill, with 9/10 silver, being the most common drop. You can undoubtedly make 10 WoW gold per hour off coin drops and around 5-20 WoW gold p/hour for the green and mageweave drops.

There are many more ways of how to farm gold in WoW. Farm the stockades in Stormwind City for easy greens and wool. It’s the best dungeon/instance to farm wool cloth because every other kill is worth 3-5 pieces of wool and there are about 100 NPCs in the instance. Don’t be alarmed when I tell you that a stack of wool can go from 77silver to 2 WoW gold at the AH. Try farming the scarlet monastery chests and locked chests for large knapsacks. These sell for 1.25-2 WoW gold. Occasionally, you will get a Blue item instead of Knapsacks. You usually get them once every 11th locked chest. Also, focus on the graveyard library and armory. NOT THE CATHEDRAL! Then you could easily get about 8 locked chests an hour and 10 regular ones. For this you’d need a rouge to lock pick or use blacksmithing and use Golden Skeleton Keys. This will require a 150 blacksmith skill.

Gen Mason plays World of Warcraft almost everyday. Discover free World of Warcraft tactics and tricks at []WOW Powerleveling

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Tips For WoW Gold - Should You Use A Powerleveling Service?

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

For players who want status and power in World of Warcraft, a high level is a must. Having a high level character will get you accepted into guilds, allow you to participate in raids, and generally enjoy many more things in the game.

So that begs the question... is it worth leveling up your character yourself, or should you pay someone to do it for you? Let's look at some of the pros and cons.

One of the best things about paying someone to level up your character is that it is now extremely cheap. When WoW first came out in beta back in late 2004, there were not many people offering these services, and prices were high. Now, we have an estimated 500,000 Chinese gold farmers who work very long hours leveling up players, and this has caused prices to go way down.

Due to the large supply of people in developing countries offering these services, you can get an experienced player leveling up your character for only about $5/hour (or even less). If your time is limited or you have some cash lying around that you don't mind spending on this game, then you can get a much higher level character for very cheap.

Another plus about power leveling services is that if you find the right person, they will be an experienced player who knows how to level up fast. If you are a new player, then you might end up spending a lot of time learning how to make gold, or you'll need to invest in a strategy guide. By hiring an experienced player to level up your character for you, you'll be able to level up faster than you ever could by yourself.

So, if power leveling services are available from experienced players working for very cheap, what are the cons of paying someone to level up your character?

Well, the first thing is that if you buy your way to a high level and consequently get accepted into guilds and raids, you may not have enough in-game experience to play the game properly at your level. If you don't know the first thing about making gold, then you won't be able to use your high level character to its full potential.

A second problem with WoW power leveling services is that you risk your account information being stolen. This is why on my website I provide a comprehensive review of what companies are legitimate and what companies you should avoid.

Want a list of the best WoW strategy guides and gold sellers on the planet?

Get it at [ ]WoW Gold Tips.

Dave Latimer runs [ ]WoW Gold Tips. He has played World of Warcraft since it was first released in November 2004.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Secrets to World of Warcraft Power Leveling

If you are the type of gamer who is looking for World of Warcraft power leveling strategies, and you're not going to pay one of those ridiculous and expense leveling service to get it, then the smartest thing you can do is model the best. In this article, I will give you some tips and secrets on quick and easy World of Warcraft power leveling.

First, let's start with the basics. One of the easiest ways to obtain WoW power leveling is to network with some higher level players. By grouping yourself with high-level players, you will gain more experience quickly, because they will be fighting monsters that are also a higher level. On your own, you cannot handle these monsters. However, if you befriend a player already adds a high-level, and are invited into their group, you can start leveling up very quickly.

Next, let's discuss grinding. Grinding is a matter of personal preference, when it comes to World of Warcraft powerleveling. Some people think it is too mindless and boring, and a waste of time. However, if you can stand the tedious task of grinding away at monsters to gain level experience, it is a surefire way to advance. And if you are focused, you will achieve leveling very quickly.

Also, questing, when done properly, is another way to success in World of Warcraft power leveling. Perhaps the best strategy is to mix grinding and questing together, so you can break up the monotony. If you're very skilled, you can shortcut your process with questing. However, know that until you reach a certain level, there are going to quests that you cannot complete.

Which brings up another valid point. If a quest is taking too long, especially regarding the traveling time, then ditch the quest. There's nothing wrong with dropping a quest. If it takes too long to complete them it is useless to power leveling.

Finally, consider getting WoW power leveling guides. If you can afford one of these, it may be your best bet. Here you can simply model the best, and follow a proven formula. There really is no need to reinvent the wheel, unless you enjoy the process of discovering things for yourself. However, beware of some scammers out there who will promise you the moon but deliver nothing. Exercise smart consumerism before purchasing any WoW power leveling guides.

To read more about World of Warcraft Power Leveling and WoW Power Leveling check out David's web site at

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

World of Warcraft Map Mods Review

As you know, leveling your character in world of warcraft is a very complicated process which requires alot of time and afforts. If you have a leveling guide it is well, but you always need to press alt+tab to read another step. It is so boring. That's why you should have world of warcraft map mod. In this review I will tell you more about the best wow map mod that I have been using for a long time.

Have you ever heard about Idemise 1-70 alliance leveling guide? This guide is simply the best alliance leveling guide. Why? Because with this guide there is no need to alt+tab out to read anymore, the entire guide is on your game map. I downloaded this guide a month ago and i am so satisfied. With this guide I got a special world of warcraft map mod which is installed into my game as an addon. This map mod allows me to read the guide inside wow.

Let's talk more about Idemise's guide. It is not just an average text guide. This is first in-game alliance leveling guide which is based not on grinding but on questing. Because quests is the only way to achieve the fastest leveling time. By the way, team Idemise has the fastest 1-70 time in the world! They got there in just 6 days 5 hours. Their world of warcraft map mod is awesome! It has all the steps and quests in the game so it won't make you any problem to level up your alliance character as fast as possible.

So, if your main goal is to get level 70 as fast as possible, Idemise's guide is what you need. Discover the secrets that professional wow players don't want you to know and shock your friends by getting to level 70 in under a week! This is possible with this guide! []Read more about Idemise's Alliance Leveling Guide

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

WoW Guides Reviews

Are you tired of leveling slow and gaining small amounts of gold? If you answered yes to these questions then you are reading the right article at the right time. Below is a review of a couple of guides that have helped lots of people in World of Warcraft, including me.

The two hardest parts of the game is leveling up and gaining gold. These two time consuming procedures can become very tedious and sometimes aggravating. After countless hours of playing, I got tired of the tedious and aggravating procedures of leveling up and gaining gold. So one day I got on the internet and started looking for tips and advice on ways to level up easier and faster and gain massive amounts of gold in a short amount of time. I came across two books and bought them.

Brian Kopps 1-70 Alliance Leveling Guide

This guide is loaded with a lot of techniques and tips for leveling up faster instead of slower. I started putting the techniques to work and now I can compete with the higher levels without running all the time. The tips and advice in this book are very easy to understand and comprehend so you will be out there leveling up fast and beating your competition in no time. Why pay upwards of $200 for someone else to level your character to 60 or anywhere from $350 to $400 to level up to 70. Do it yourself and save a ton of cash.

Warcraft Gold Generating Guide

This guide gives a lot of advice on how to gain huge amounts of gold in a short amount of time along with advice and tips on how to level up fast. I only got it for the advice on gaining gold but the leveling tips are also very useful as well. This guide is loaded with 125 Pages and over 100 Solid Gold making Strategies (including Dozens of Strategies for the New Burning Crusade Expansion) set this guide apart as one being dedicated solely to the Making of Gold in World of Warcraft. You will make up to 60 gold per hour or more using the strategies found in this guide. Newly updated information includes where to find all the new motes and primals.

These guides are very good and have helped me along with countless others in their quests in the World of Warcraft. With these guides and your characters, you can dominate the World of Warcraft and make it yours to roam.

For more information on these guides please visit

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Friday, January 18, 2008

World of Warcraft Leveling Guides

No doubt you are looking for good World of Warcraft Levleing Guides, whether you are a new or old Wow player, we have the perfect Warcraft Guides for you! One Warcraft Leveling guide is Joanas Guide... This is the famous Horde Leveling Guide. Brian Kopps Guide is the well-known Alliance Leveling Guide. Both of these can help you achieve HUGE success! If you want to level fast, grab one of these awesome levelling manuals today!

If you are looking to make more gold than you ever dreamed of in World of Warcraft, then check out our exclusive Gold Guide Reviews. All the best gold making guides are covered in detail and rated accordingly. The World of Warcraft Cash Creating Guide, The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide and Valkors Gold Making Guide, we make it easy to choose which guide is best for you.

Our reviews should help you in deciding which guide is best for you. Each World of Warcraft Guide has been tested and reviewed. There are 3 WoW Gold Guides including World of Warcraft Cash Creating Guide and Ultimate World of Warcraft, each guide is covered with a very honest and exceptional review.

If you are interested in a guide and still a bit skeptical, be rest assured that each one has a 60 day money back guarantee, so you basically get to try it out for 2 months without any risk as opposed to buying a guide in the store, where you cannot get a refund once you have shuffled through the pages...

Aaron is owner of 2 major warcraft leveling guide websites, []World of Warcraft Guides and []Warcraft Leveling Guides.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide. Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Quick World of Warcraft Gold

Is it possible to get gold quickly while playing World of Warcraft?

Yes it is! I have met and seen several World of Warcraft players creat quick gold since I started playing several years ago. Everyone has different ways or methods, but they all tend to gravitate to certain ways. The following tips are some ways I have come across that will help you to make gold quickly.

1) The most common strategy is to complete quests, slay as many beasties as you can along the way and earn some fast gold. You will mostly be getting copper and silver, but it will quickly add up. Be sure to pick quests that you are capable of handling. I recall one time when I was in Redridge and was clearly out of my depth on a quest. I had to get help from some other players just to make it through. It took me hours to finish that one!

2) Grinding for gold, it is by far the easiest yet most boring way to make gold. If you are going to use this method, be sure to have plenty of empty space in your bags and pick up everything and I mean everything your opponent drops. Alot of what is dropped can be resold either at the auction house or to merchants. More gold for you.

3. Get 2 gathering professions (choose two of these three - skinning, mining, herbalism) to make fast World Of Warcraft gold. Currently, the crafting professions don't pay off as well. For some reason, raw materials sell better than finished products. Get fishing, too. It's not as profitable as in the past, but it still works. This makes it a useful secondary profession.

4. If you are going to be away from a major town for awhile, create a second toon or mule. You can give everything you pickup to him and leave him in one of the main cities. Send him everything. When necessary, he can go to the Auction House to list stuff. He can also go to the Bank and store stuff. Also, if you get him enough bags he can act as more FREE storage for you!

I promise, if you implement these strategies, you WILL start making gold right away.

World of Warcraft is both a fun and challenging game. If you need additional tips and tricks, hints and help, then please visit

You can find plenty of additional resources here to enhance your WOW experience.

Eric is a veteran player with years of WOW playing experience. He has several high level toons on WOW.

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft – A Few Tips & Tricks

How To Make Gold in World of Warcraft is a big topic and a much needed skill! Today I am going to tell you one technique on How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft without having to run around like a headless chicken!

This short guide on How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft is centred already the ideas Buy low and sell High!

This is what people use in the real world and it is also How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft. Try and have a look at something that has been selling well and you will need to find something that is always for sale.

All you have to do now to learn How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft is to watch the prices on the item and once you have found a good selling price sell the same item and you have found a nice little earner. You can even Make Gold in World of Warcraft by buying items and then reselling at a higher price and this is probably the most popular idea on How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft.

As I say the best idea I have on How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft is to find an item that is in demand and resell it some guides on How To Make Gold In World of Warcraft show you where to get all the high demand items!

I hope you found this quick tip on how to Make Gold in World of Warcraft useful and to find more you should check out a full guide on the net that covers How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft.

Simon Fields is a World of Warcraft Enthusiast and writes articles and submits product review on anything that can improve your game experience! For more info on how to Make Gold in World of Warcraft and to find out how you can make 300 Gold an hour click the link below: [ title=How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft ]How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft

Article Source:

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

World of Warcraft Rogue Leveling Tips - How to Level Your Rogue Fast in WoW

A rogue is one of the fastest classes in World of Warcraft for leveling. If you are a first timer WOW player, the rogue is a great choice because of their abilities to level and grind faster than the other classes. Read on to discover more fascinating information about the rogue class and uncover some great leveling tips.

One of the most important abilities that a rogue possesses is stealth. This one ability will keep you from dying many times. Use it to protect yourself from random 60's who will run by or from mobs when you are away from your keyboard.

A rogue is easily geared up because of the variety of daggers, swords and maces that are dropped all over the place, especially on a dedicated server. Choose the weapon that you like the best. Make sure your weapon is consistent in killing and protecting yourself from higher level mobs.

Armor is generally easy to come by as a rogue. There is an abundance of leather armor drops during battle and you can also buy it at the auction houses. Monkey gear is an easy choice for leveling. Other craftable pieces of leather armor are great choices also. The best gear for leveling is + critical, agility and stamina. Just remember that rogue class is a great beginner class for leveling fast, but it can be an overpopulated class on most servers.

One of the best ways to level is to complete quests. The details of what quests you should do are too many to go into for this short article. But there are basics that you should follow if you are just starting out.

If you are level 1-20, you should go through the starting area and quest until you are ready for the zone next door. Then quest there for a while and then move on. Keep doing this until you raise your level. If you are on the Alliance side, do the Deadmines when you hit level 18. On the Horde side, do the Ragefire Chasm when you hit level 14 and move on to the Wailing Caverns at level 18.

This is just for starters. If you want to learn more about where to go to keep leveling to the higher levels there are a few awesome guides that you can purchase online and download them immediately. You can also do a Google search and get plenty of helpful hints and tips. But it can be more time consuming to do a search than to just buy a guide where all of your information is in one place.

So there you have some basic information on rogue leveling tips. Just remember, World of Warcraft is the biggest multi player role playing game available today. Good luck and happy gaming!

If you really want to increase your leveling success as a Rogue, then you should definitely look into a []Rogue leveling guide.

For Alliance, the best is the []Team iDemise Leveling Guide and for Horde, you can't go wrong with []Joana's Horde Leveling guide.

Article Source:

This is one of the best guides you could probably use: World Of Warcraft Joanas 1-70 Horde Guide Joanas 1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide For World Of Warcraft.

Check it out you will wish you would have gotten it sooner!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ready For Some Ongoing Warcraft Fun? Check Out The Burning

The brand new expansion set Burning Crusade is now available
for World of Warcraft players around the world. This is a much
anticipated expansion game that players will be happy to get
their hands on.

In World of Warcraft (WOW), players from across the globe are
able to jump into a dark world of fantasy and adventure.
Choosing from many different races including the gruff dwarves,
the inventive gnomes, the humans, the beautiful night elves, the
evil undead, the vicious orcs, the powerful tauren, and the
dastardly trolls, players have a wide variety to choose from.

Each of these eight races offer a unique experience when
playing the game as they each have different strengths and
weaknesses. Furthermore, the game is divided into two separate
sides of good and evil. Representing evil are the races known as
the Horde. This faction includes the tauren, orcs, undead and
trolls. The rest are known as the Alliance.

For the much anticipated expansion set, WOW: Burning Crusade,
the world gets two all new races. One is the Blood Elves,
descended from the High Elves. They are a magical race known for
drawing their power from mystical energy, some would say from
demonic sources. The Alliance was much aligned about whether or
not the Blood Elves should be a part of their faction or not. In
the end they decided the elves were evil and they became part of
the Horde.

The other new race for the Burning Crusade expansion game is
called the Draenei race. These creatures are blue-skinned and
thrill with the use of shamanistic magic. They are members of
the Alliance.

There are several classes available to the player. These
include the warrior, shaman, paladin, warlock, mage, druid,
hunter, priest, and rogue. This gives any player a wide range of
options but keep in mind certain classes are only available for
certain races. Some races excel at some, others do not. The
Burning Crusade has tons of options.

For those familiar with the workings of WOW, this expansion
pack will be an easy transition. Many of the bugs associated
with the original game have been cleaned up with this version
but make sure the latest patch has been obtained and downloaded

All players must keep in mind their likes and dislikes before
committing to a certain race or class. Pick a race that you
like. One that is fun to play and suits your particular style of
play will go a long way in the enjoyment of the game. Then
choose a class that not only fits that race well, like an orc
shaman, but also one that will stimulate you over the course of
many gaming sessions.

About the Author: Here are a couple of great World of Warcraft
Guides to Help Power Level your character to Level 70 We have a and Our


Permanent Link:

Get World of Warcraft Gold – Buy That Faster Steed! – A Few Tips

One of the major talking points for this game is how to Get World of Warcraft Gold, without Gold you will not be able to level up your character properly and will find that you won’t be able to afford better weapons and it will make the game harder!

So how do you Get World of Warcraft Gold?

Today I am going to give you a few pointers that will help you Get World of Warcraft Gold in the quickest time possible although if you really want to learn how to Get World of Warcraft Gold I suggest looking up a guide that will tell you everything you need to know!

The first place that is the best to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Azshara” and you should go here to kill the blood elves. You will find you Get World of Warcraft Gold of these amongst other things like potions and much wanted items! If you want to Get World of Warcraft Gold and don’t mind fighting tougher enemies then you should grind the demons instead as these will drop better equipment and you will Get World of Warcraft Gold and higher level potions of the demons!

The second place that is very good to Get World of Warcraft Gold is The Eastern Plaguelands and you should head to the undercroft and attack as many zombies as you can here. The Zombies are not that tough here and you can Get World of Warcraft Gold from these very effectively.

Another good place to Get World of Warcraft Gold is The Dire Maul Tribute although this will require a group of you if you are wanting to Get World of Warcraft Gold this way. You can do this quite well as a group but will find it hard to Get World of Warcraft Gold on your own!

Yet another place to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Stratholme” and this is another group event. If you have a good group you can do this in half an hour and it is one of the most effective ways to Get World of Warcraft Gold, you will also pick up disenchanted items and lots more here!

The last place I can think of to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Uldamann” and you will need to be able to disenchant items to do this one. If you can, you should try and kill Galgann Firehammer and he will drop a couple of items that disenchant well. Also if you wait for him to respawn it is a good way to Get World of Warcraft Gold.

I hope these quick tips helped tell you how to Get World of Warcraft Gold and as mentioned before I do suggest reading a good guide that can tell you Get World of Warcraft Gold as you will earn far more and most tell you exactly what to do!

Simon Fields is a World of Warcraft Enthusiast and writes articles and submits product review on anything that can improve your game experience! For more info on How To Get World of Warcraft Gold and to find out how you can make 300 Gold an hour click the link below: [ ]Get World of Warcraft Gold

Article Source: [!---A-Few-Tips&id=428991 ]!---A-Few-Tips&id=428991

World Of Warcraft Gold Secrets The Original And Best-Selling World Of Warcraft Gold Guide Now Nearly 3 Years Running.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

World of Warcraft Guide - A Simple Guide For Newbies by Johny Rider

World of Warcraft is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Play game, or MMORPG. It was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, and boasts over a million players in total. People around the globe, from just about every country imaginable, have become addicted to the game

In World of Warcraft, a user creates a character and explores the vast world of Azeroth. Players can choose between two sides to be on: the Horde or the Alliance. The Horde is comprised of more evil characters, such as the undead or trolls. The Alliance is considered the good guys, and resembles classic knight mottos and values. Through these two teams, users can choose several races and classes to join that expand the possibilities of unique characters.

Races are bound to the two teams. For instance, you can only play as a Human if you join Alliance. If you wish to join the Undead, then you must play as the Horde. Races will have different bonuses for joining them or in some cases, negative effects. Some Horde races such as the Tauren or Orcs will suffer a reputation deficit in the beginning which is essentially how non-playable characters deal with you. For the most part, the races are balanced to a fair extent on both sides, although the Horde depend more on strength overall rather than intelligence or mobility.

Classes determine what your character will do throughout the game. You might want to be a warrior, priest, or rogue up to 9 possibilities in total. From morphing into beasts, to wielding long range weapons, the class will ultimately determine how you play World of Warcraft. Some classes are very specific such as the Priest who relies on healing powers to advance in the game. Then there is the Shaman who has a myriad of magical spells, all while being able to do a fair amount of melee damage.

World of Warcraft presents the user with many options in character creation and that is only the start. From here on out, the player is immersed in a incredibly large world with literally thousands of things to do. The interactions, guilds, fights, duels, exploration, and overall intense game play make World of Warcraft extremely addicting and it shows. With over one million players worldwide, the game is the most popular of its kind. To get started, a credit card or pre-paid game card is needed. Despite the monthly fee that is imposed, players gladly shell out money in exchange for the great opportunity to play such a famous MMORPG.

If you play wow dont forget to check my wow quest guide Submitted by: Easy Article Marketer

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Monday, January 7, 2008

World of Warcraft Cheats - A Few Tips On Getting WoW Gold by Johny Rider

One of the major talking points for this game is how to Get World of Warcraft Gold, without Gold you will not be able to level up your character properly and will find that you won’t be able to afford better weapons and it will make the game harder!

So how do you Get World of Warcraft Gold?

Today I am going to give you a few pointers that will help you Get World of Warcraft Gold in the quickest time possible although if you really want to learn how to Get World of Warcraft Gold I suggest looking up a guide that will tell you everything you need to know!

The first place that is the best to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Azshara” and you should go here to kill the blood elves. You will find you Get World of Warcraft Gold of these amongst other things like potions and much wanted items! If you want to Get World of Warcraft Gold and don’t mind fighting tougher enemies then you should grind the demons instead as these will drop better equipment and you will Get World of Warcraft Gold and higher level potions of the demons!

The second place that is very good to Get World of Warcraft Gold is The Eastern Plaguelands and you should head to the undercroft and attack as many zombies as you can here. The Zombies are not that tough here and you can Get World of Warcraft Gold from these very effectively.

Another good place to Get World of Warcraft Gold is The Dire Maul Tribute although this will require a group of you if you are wanting to Get World of Warcraft Gold this way. You can do this quite well as a group but will find it hard to Get World of Warcraft Gold on your own!

Yet another place to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Stratholme” and this is another group event. If you have a good group you can do this in half an hour and it is one of the most effective ways to Get World of Warcraft Gold, you will also pick up disenchanted items and lots more here!

The last place I can think of to Get World of Warcraft Gold is called “Uldamann” and you will need to be able to disenchant items to do this one. If you can, you should try and kill Galgann Firehammer and he will drop a couple of items that disenchant well. Also if you wait for him to respawn it is a good way to Get World of Warcraft Gold.

I hope these quick tips helped tell you how to Get World of Warcraft Gold and as mentioned before I do suggest reading a good guide that can tell you Get World of Warcraft Gold as you will earn far more and most tell you exactly what to do!

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Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Friday, January 4, 2008

How To Kill Nexus-Prince Shaffar - Last Boss in Mana Tombs - World of Warcraft

Nexus-Prince Shaffar is the final boss in the Mana Tombs instance in world of warcraft. This article will discuss the proper method on how to defeat Nexus Prince Shaffar in wow.

The Mana Tombs in Auchindoun, are located in the center of the Bone Wastes zone. To reach Mana Tombs from Shattrath city, you need to travel east out of town until you reach the first road. Then follow that road south until you enter the Bone Wastes, and keep heading south. You should eventually enter an area of structural ruins that is called Auchindoun. Now work your way to the interior of Auchindoun and you will find the Summoning Stone for the Auchindoun instances. There the Summoning Stone, head directly north and you will find the entrance to Mana Tombs.

Before you do battle with Prince Shaffar, you should be well aware of the following:

Ethereal Beacons - These WILL kill you need to get rid of them first. Prince Shaffar will have three of these floating near him at the beginning of the fight. The Ethereal Beacons transform into casters if your party does not destroy them fast enough. If the Beacons are allowed to transform into casters, they will proceed to kill your party quickly. Therefore it is extremely important to focus on the Ethereal Beacons at the start of the fight, then DPS the Prince once the Beacons are terminated. Additionally, party members should immediately switch their targeting to any Ethereal Beacon should one spawn and destroy it before continuing to DPS the Prince.

Here is one basic strategy for Nexus Prince Shaffar:

1. Use only your tank to engage the Prince at the beginning. Everyone else should then pre-target each of the three Ethereal Beacons before your tank pulls Prince Shaffar. Be sure to assign targets to party members so that everyone knows which Ethereal Beacon they will be killing.

2. Then when your tank pulls, have all other party members focus their attention on the three Beacons and destroy them as quickly as possible. Remember that killing the Beacons first is very critical to winning the fight. Then when the Beacons are destroyed, party members may begin to DPS the Prince.

3. Occasionally, the Prince may Blink and teleport a short distance away from the battle. Normally this does not reset the aggro list. Your tank should be able to immediately move to the Prince after every Blink. Also, have your healers prepared to move in case there are line-of-sight issues for healing the tank.

4. Approximately every ten seconds, Prince Shaffar will spawn another Ethereal Beacon somewhere nearby. All party members (except your tank and healer) should immediately focus their DPS onto the new Ethereal Beacon until it is destroyed. Do not let the Beacon transform into a caster! Once the Beacon is dead, resume DPS on Prince Shaffar.

5. If you've reached this stage, you have gotten the Ethereal Beacons under control. Now you should DPS the Prince as you would any other boss, and divvy up the loot.

Nexus-Prince Shaffar does not hit very hard (melee-wise), so your tank should not be taking considerable physical-damage throughout the fight. However, the Prince will cast magic damage, specifically: frost, shadow, fire, and arcane damage. If you have any auras or resistance-spells that can be cast, they will be helpful. It is not necessary to switch to resistance gear for this fight; DPS gear is far more important than any kind of resistance gear that you might have.

If you should be the leader of the party, it is imperative that you stress to your party-members to kill the Ethereal Beacons First. The Beacons are the critical element to this fight. Control them and you can and will defeat Nexus-Prince Shaffar without difficulty.

Ultimate World Of Warcraft Unlimited Gold Guide With Videos - Hot! Provides Step By Step Instructions On How To Make Unlimited Gold In World Of Warcraft. The Only Gold Guide To Provide Video Demonstrations.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How To Earn Extra Gold With Multiple WoW Accounts

In world of warcraft you will find that there are many ways to earn extra gold in the game; such as use your wow character to re-sell all the limited supply recipes that are being used during the entire game. This process of reselling is the easiest and probably most popular with the main transactions that anyone can make while being at a certain level. Most beginners should consider this method because knowledge is the only thing that they may need in order to learn how to take advantage of every opportunity to resell their gold. They will need to find the locations of every recipe; also they will need little time in order to achieve this and they may also consider other methods that are not time and gold consuming.

In world of warcraft the mid level player happens to travel near one of the vendors who are to be found across the entire route of the game, he should check whether that vendor has the recipe or not. The recipe needs to be in stock in order for the player to be able to buy it at a certain price that will then allow him to resell it later in the game. Also the player may also consider creating a new wow character that is a low level character. This character should also be created in a particular location, one that has its own auction house in order to resell all the existent recipes. The player will then have to mail all his current recipes to his low level wow character in order to make a profitable transaction that will earn him some extra gold during the game.

The player will have to mail his recipes to the low level character because this transaction is easier than other methods. Then he will not have to travel to that particular town in order to sell his recipes. He will use this secondary character to make the transaction on his behalf. The character may also be used in every auction opportunity thus making all his auction transactions easier. This will make the player’s wallet also grow fast thanks to the abilities that he has developed in the case of every character that is created in order to take care of different transactions and auctions.

In world of warcraft the auction house is the preferred method to earning gold because few people understand the advantages that have to be seized during such a transaction; take for instance, all the items that are likely to come from few vendors and the future buyers are likely to be too lazy when it comes to finding out more about the origin of the purchased items. Therefore, every seller should take advantage of these players laziness in order to gain more extra benefits that will help him continue the game in the desired manner. This knowledge has to be used because it's the easiest way in order to earn gold that can be used in order to buy more world of warcraft accounts.

This method therefore will consist of a very simple scheme: the player should buy the existent recipes from any vendor meet in order to sell them during the auction that is likely to be organized at every level of the game. That the wow character is to be used to take care of every transaction without having to travel to the location that is required by every auction. Big profits should be expected because many people who will be interested in buying these recipes without having to worry about their origins. They should also be glad that they do not have to go to the vendor themselves; their time will be thus be saved and will be able to take care of other businesses concerning their level of playing.

In world of warcraft every auction is likely to provide you with all the necessary opportunities in order to gain extra benefits like earning more gold. The wow character can then be regarded as a sort of vendor that makes your own wallet grow. You should choose the main abilities of this character in order to give it all the necessary qualities that will make him your right hand man during the entire game. This virtual right hand man is to be used to take care of your gold earning task. You can also use other guidelines that will provide you with extra information when it comes to designing these characters when you own your world of warcraft accounts. You need to become familiar with the always constant creation of different strategies that should make you a very rich man when playing.

All these strategies should be considered in each case of every auction in order to avoid being scammed by your buyers. The one thing that you will have to do is find the right vendor that can provide you with all the recipes you will need to gain these extra material benefits. These benefits may also be used in order to buy new accounts; therefore, they will be regarded as a profitable investment because they will help you reach the next level without having to worry about your virtual financial situation in world of warcraft.