Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Take Down Ragnaros In World Of Warcraft

Ragnaos in world of warcraft mythology is known as Firelord. He fought against the Titans in the name of the old gods. His power was soon ended though when he was sealed into the Molten Core, only to be unlocked by a dwarf. Once released Ragnaros created an army of living stone creatures. Although Molten Core is one of the easiest raid instances for maximum level players it is one not to be taken lightly. Teamwork and cooperation is the key to many of the boss encounters in Molten Core. While getting 30-40 people that knows who does what and when is quite a task so it is very important that everyone be on their game. If but 1 player fails the entire raid could end quickly.

The fighting doesn't start until usually the main tank, has a talk with Majordomo Executus the boss before Ragnaros. During this talk strategies and placement are discussed. The room which is huge since it is the domain of a fire god has rock outcroppings sporadically placed along the edge of a spiraling land mass surrounded by lava. The spiral pulls towards the center here is where Ragnaros will be found becoming thin. As the main tank and off tank stand close to each other at the tip of the spiral the melee group stand further back on the spiral near the last outcropping before the spiral tightens. Ranged damage players spread over the rest of the board close to the target at hand. Healers that are assigned to each group are close to heal players. Players get ready for the most awsome moments in world of warcraft history.

The Ragnaros battle has 2 stages that repeat. As the 1st stage is an all out brawl where Ragnaros takes as much damage as the group can give, Ragnaros does have a couple of attacks in his own retinue. The Wrath of Ragnaros is signaled by a speech and text saying "Taste the Flames of Sulfuron". The attack takes back all the players in melee range possably throwing them into the lava and out of the battle. All melee except the main tank back out before the wrath begines. Ragnaros uses wrath every 25 seconds and it can be resisted so have the main tank in fire resistant gear and melee damage suggested. If the main tank does resist the wrath, the melee fighters can return and join the fight. But if the main tank is thrown the off tank runs in and picks up Ragnaros, and the melee grants him several seconds to gather more threat. Ragnaros will also throw fireballs at ranged fighters, damaging them, and knocking everyone around them into the air. The attack does not affect the person it is casted upon, but for those around him, that is why the ranged units must be properly spread about. The first stage lasts about 3 minutes so the group if it hopes to win the powerhouse in world of warcraft he needs to be at about 40 percent life at the battles end.

Now stage 2 begins what is called the Sons of Flame. As Ragnaros retreats, he spawns 8 small fire elements that attack the raid party. Not much damage is done to melee fighters but there is a nasty aura seen elsewhere in world of warcraft that steals magic users mana, and damages them for it. Every warrior hopefully there will be about 5 in a group should try and grab and hold two Sons. Your healers will need to keep the warriors alive so they can hold them while the rest of the group takes out the Sons 1 by 1. After about a minute and a half or when the group kills all sons Ragnaros returns to the field. Before this happens though a Warlock should banish one of the sons, therefore giving everyone a minute to regain strength before Ragnaros returns.

With luck between stages 1 and 2 alot of your players will have survived. If too many died at either stage the reamaining battle with Ragnaros will become harder. When Ragnaros returns it will be the same fight as 1st stage. If the group is able to get Ragnaros down to 40 percent before he sinks back into the lava chances are the remaining damage will be within 3 minutes. With Ragnaros dying get ready for great loot and a long raiding career in world of warcraft.

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